How To - Configure Setback in SiteWorx Tune

Updated by Steve Corbesero

Setback is only available to Admin level users.

Setback Control Panel

There are two main parameters on the Setback Control Panel:

  1. Setback Level - A fixture's light level when Setback is active
  2. Setback Mode - Enable Automatic, Scheduled, Duration, or Astronomical (Sunrise/Sunset) modes

Tips and Tricks

  • Automatic Setback - to maximize time in Setback and drive savings, configure setback on smaller sub-groups of fixtures
  • Astronomical Setback - schedule exterior fixtures to turn on at sunset and off again at sunrise
  • Use the Tune Live View to verify which groups are in Setback

Configure an Automatic Setback

  1. Select the target Group or Sub-Group
  2. Click Setback, and toggle Enabled
  3. Select Automatic
  4. Configure Setback Level
  5. Configure Setback Timeout
  6. Click Apply Settings
Automatic Setback Configuration Example

Configure a Scheduled Setback

  1. Select the target Group or Sub-Group
  2. Click Setback, and toggle Enabled
  3. Click Scheduled
  4. Configure Setback Level
  5. Select the days of the week Setback is Active
  6. Configure the Start and End Time that Setback is Active
  7. Click Apply Settings
Scheduled Setback Configuration Example

Configure an Astronomical Setback

  1. Select the target Group or Sub-Group
  2. Click Setback, and toggle Enabled
  3. Click Sunrise/Sunset
  4. Configure Setback Level
  5. Select the days of the week Setback is Active
  6. Configure Start At event (Sunrise or Sunset)
    1. Configure the Start Offset (i.e. how long after or before the astronomical event Setback becomes Active)
  7. Select End At event (Sunrise or Sunset)
    1. Configure the End Offset (i.e. how long after or before the astronomical event Setback becomes inactive)
  8. Click Apply Settings
Astronomical Setback Configuration Example

Configure a Setback Duration

  1. Select the target Group or Sub-Group
  2. Click Setback, and toggle Enabled
  3. Click Duration
  4. Configure Setback Level
  5. Select the days of the week Setback is Active
  6. Configure Start Time
  7. Configure the duration that Setback will remain active using the Hours and Minutes slider
Use the Setback Duration help text below the sliders to confirm the correct duration is set
  1. Click Apply Settings
Setback Duration Configuration Example
Check out the Setback Overview for more detailed information and popular use cases!

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