How To - Run a Battery Backup Test

Updated by Steve Corbesero

Battery backup devices provide battery-powered emergency lighting to a facility in the event of an interruption to power.

The battery backup manager enables Admin Users to test the performance and functionality of battery backup enabled luminaires. In the battery backup manager, reports are saved and accessible in a table for later use, and the results of each test are exportable in a CSV file format.

Starting a Battery Backup Test

  1. Open the Administration Console, and click on the Battery Backup icon
  2. Click Start a Test
  3. Select the desired group
Start a Battery Backup Test
  1. Select a test length
Test Length
  1. Click Start a Test

Short Test = 30 seconds
Long Test = 90 minutes

After starting a battery backup test, a notification will appear confirming the test is running. You also have the opportunity to cancel the test by clicking the Cancel Test button. Additionally, the test page automatically updates with test results. Leaving this page does not affect test progress.

Cancel Test

Reviewing Test Reports

After a battery backup test has been completed, a full test report is available on the main battery backup manager page. You can use the Site selection drop-down, and Test Start date picker to narrow down the desired test results, choosing from the available reports in the table below. 

Available Battery Backup Tests

After selecting one of the available tests from the table, an Admin can review each battery backup enabled luminaire results.

Battery Backup Test Results

There are 15 different ways a battery backup test may fail. The reason for failure is listed in the Status column of the Test Log per device. If a failure occurs, please send relevant information to the Support team via 

Battery Backup Test Status

Test Passed

The battery backup test passed!

Test Aborted

SiteWorx aborted the battery backup test. 

Test Canceled

A user canceled the battery backup test.


SiteWorx could not communicate with the luminaire to start the battery backup test.

Battery Disconnected

The light reports that it has no battery packs, or the battery backup controller's connection is not working.

Battery Disconnected

The battery pack is disconnected from the battery backup controller circuitry.

Battery Over Temperature

The battery pack is reporting an over-temperature condition.

Lightbar Powered from PSU

Wiring error. Verify that battery backup wiring is installed correctly.

Lightbar Voltage Out of Range

Contact SiteWorx Support. 

Emergency Activated

The light is in emergency power (no AC input power) mode.

 Battery Drained

The battery was depleted before or during the test.

Unexpected Lightbar Pattern

Contact SiteWorx Support. 

Certification Mismatch

Contact SiteWorx Support. 

Lost Communication

SiteWorx was able to start a battery test, but then lost communication with the luminaire under test. 

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