SiteWorx Sense - Glossary

Updated by Steve Corbesero

Alarm Terminology

Alarm State: describes whether or not an alarm is currently triggered (Active, Dead Band, and OK).

Alarm Activation and Clearing Criteria: the threshold levels used to define when an alarm will trigger and clear. Note that the clearing criteria is set by adding/subtracting (depending on the direction of the alarm) the Dead Band value to/from the Activation Criteria.

Dead Band: All sensors are inherently noisy. The Dead Band (sometimes called the hysteresis gap) defines the range above or below the Alarm Threshold level for which the alarm will not move into an OK state. Providing a dead band value ensures that a user doesn't receive an alarm notification every time the noisy sensor data bounces around the threshold value.

Alarm Events: the cataloged history of when an alarm moves from one state to a different state.

Alarm Incidents: a collection of related events from the beginning to the end of when a single alarm triggers (i.e., from active to OK state).

Enabled and Disabled Alarms: Alarms can be created, saved, (and edited!), and then disabled or enabled if a user wants to use the alarm at a different time.

Alarm Subscriptions: how a user receives either SMS or Email notifications for alarms.

Load Control Terminology

Load Control: Opening or closing a relay, usually as a means of turning a load “on or off.” 

Relay: an electrically operated switch that can open or close

Relay Device: The SiteWorx devices that enable non-lighting load control: Smart Cord or Wireless I/O

Trigger Nodes: groups of occupancy sensors used to trigger a relay device (Smart Cord or Wireless I/O) to open or close

Trigger Criteria: the threshold at which a group of trigger nodes must be active to open or close a relay

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