How To - Configure Task Tune Settings in SiteWorx Tune

Updated by Steve Corbesero

Task Tuning allows you to manage precise lighting parameters on individual fixtures or groups of fixtures. Task Tuning is located in the Settings menu of SiteWorx Tune.

Task Tune Control Panel

There are four parameters on the Task Tune Control Panel:

  1. Active Level - A fixture's light level when the area under the fixture is occupied.
  2. Dimming - Enabling dimming utilizes the onboard occupancy sensor to identify when the space around a fixture is occupied.
  3. Occupancy Timeout - The amount of time a fixture remains in the Active state after the area becomes unoccupied.
  4. Inactive Level - a fixture's light level when the space below a fixture is vacant.

If any change is made to the Task Tune settings, the Apply Settings button becomes active. Clicking the Apply Settings button applies those changes to the selected Group or individual light fixture.

In the absence of a network connection, fixtures continue to operate in their current programming until network connectivity is restored.

Changing Task Tune Settings for a single light fixture

Use the following steps to change Task Tune settings for a light fixture:

  1. Navigate to the SiteWorx Tune Dashboard.
  2. In the Features Application Menu, click the Settings button.
  3. If prompted, select the appropriate Area card containing the groups or fixtures you would like to manage. 
  4. Select a light fixture from the 2-D map. The current Task Tune settings for the light fixture will be displayed to the left of this map.
  5. In the Active Level field, use the slider button to set the Active light level.
  6. Using the Dimming button, select whether the light fixture should use the onboard occupancy sensor to enable fixture dimming. 
  7. In the After section, select the appropriate occupancy timeout.
  8. In the Inactive Level field, use the slider button to set the Inactive light level.
  9. Click the Apply Settings button to confirm and apply the current configuration. 
A ripple animation will play once settings have been successfully applied.  


Changing Task Tune Settings for a Group

Use the following steps to change Task Tune settings for a Group:

  1. Navigate to the SiteWorx Tune Dashboard.
  2. In the Features Application Menu, click the Settings button.
  3. If prompted, select the appropriate Area card containing the groups or fixtures you would like to manage. 
  4. Select a Group from the 2-D map. The current Task Tune settings for any Subgroup will be displayed to the left of the 2-D map.
  5. If Task Tune settings exist on a light fixture or subgroup, then a warning message displays. To override the current Task Tune settings, click the OK - Proceed Anyway button.
  6. In the Active Level field, use the slider button to set the Active light level.
  7. Using the Dimming button, select whether the light fixture should use the onboard occupancy sensor to enable fixture dimming. 
  8. In the After section, select the appropriate occupancy timeout.
  9. In the Inactive Level field, use the slider button to set the Inactive light level.
  10. Click the Apply Settings button to confirm and apply the current configuration. 
A ripple animation will play once settings have been successfully applied.


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