Getting Started

Updated by Steve Corbesero

Welcome to the SiteWorx Quick Start Guide. The following topics will help you log in for the first time and familiarize yourself with SiteWorx.

Click the topics below for more information!

Account Setup

Before users can begin using SiteWorx, they must sign up for a new account. When a new user signs up for an account their account must be approved by any user with Admin level permissions. At the time of approval, Admin and lighting control privileges can be configured.

An Organization Admin user is required to reset their password before logging in for the first time. Please review How To - Reset Your Password
How To - Sign Up | Create a New User Account
How To - Reset Your Password
How To - Configure User Permission

SiteWorx Tune

A simple, powerful lighting control application that uses sensor-based intelligence to maximize energy savings, improve productivity, and maintain safe and comfortable light levels. SiteWorx Tune contains the main lighting controls of SiteWorx including Task Tuning, Setback, and Override.

How To - Configure Task Tune Settings in SiteWorx Tune
How To - Configure Setback in SiteWorx Tune
How To - Configure an Override in SiteWorx Tune
SiteWorx Tune Live View

SiteWorx Sense

A facility-wide process monitoring application that utilizes Lightelligence compatible devices to help maintain facility wellness. Examples of process monitoring include monitoring temperature and relative humidity in a space, or provide SMS alerts when CO2 levels reach an alarm-based threshold.

How To - Configure an Alarm in SiteWorx Sense
How To - Configure an Alarm Subscription
How To - Configure Occupancy Based Load Control
How To - Run a Historical Sense Report

SiteWorx Area

An occupancy and path tracking solution that delivers insight into how physical space can be better utilized and monitored. SiteWorx Area allows users to view the most active areas of an Area, and adjust lighting fixture accordingly to maximize savings and create new efficiencies.

How To - Run a Heatmap Occupancy Report

SiteWorx Analyze

A reporting suite that helps decision-makers gain insight into the operations of their business. These insights help businesses increase productivity, maximize savings, reduce downtime, and improve business planning. SiteWorx Analyze contains several charts and a Savings Report dashboard that displays information at a single, or multi-site level.

How To - Create an Analyze Tag Report
How To - Run Energy and Occupancy Reports

Administration Console

The Administration Console contains configuration and management tools for your SiteWorx organization.

How To - Add and Verify your phone number for SMS Alerts
How To - Configure SiteWorx Site Savings information
How To - Update or Delete Users
How To - Create, Update, or Remove Groups
How To - Create or Update a Scene
How To - Run a Battery Backup Test
How To - Enable or Disable Daylight Harvesting

Only users with permissions can access the Administration Console. Contact your Admin if you require access. 

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