How To - Add Path Points to a Mapfile

Updated by Dan Buckley

Necessary items

  • Commissioner 3.4.1 or newer

Before you begin

Adding Path Points to a mapfile will create a tight Heat Map that matches the background image boundaries.

You must create a valid trapezoid


  1. Open Commissioner and target mapfile
  2. Move Fixture Target into map boundary 
  3. Right-click anywhere on the map and select Add Four Path Points
Added Four Path Points

  1. Drag each Path Point to each corner of the mapfile's background image
  2. To add additional Path Points, right-click the map again and select Add Path Point #N
Add as many Path Points as necessary prior to fine-tuning positions
  1. Once each Path Point is positioned, begin fine-tuning each location
  2. Start fine-tuning Path Point positions 
Hold Z and then select the area around Path Point to zoom in
  1. Align Path Point center point (black square) with background boundary corners
Properly Aligned Path Point
  1. Verify that Path Points are horizontally and vertically aligned with each other
    1. Use CMD - L to align PP vertically 
    2. Use CMD - T to align PP horizontally 
To preview the Path Point border, click View and select View Path

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