Overview - Setback in SiteWorx Tune

Updated by Steve Corbesero

The Setback control panel is only available to Admin level users.

Setback enables any site to capitalize and act on energy savings opportunities automatically. In combination with Task Tuning, Setback provides sufficient lighting where and when you need it and aggressive savings when spaces are unoccupied. 

There are four available Setback modes:

Automatic Setback

When Automatic Setback is enabled, light fixtures in the Setback Group automatically transition to the configured Setback Level after an area has been unoccupied for the duration of the Setback Timeout.

If a single light fixture in the Setback Group detects occupancy, it returns to the configured Task Tune active level. If more than one light fixture in the Group detects occupancy, then those light fixtures move to their Active level, while the remaining light fixtures fall out of Setback, returning to their Inactive level.
Automatic Setback Example

In this example, a Group has the Task Tune settings set to the following:

  • Active Level: 100%
  • Inactive Level: 50%
  • Timeout: 60 seconds

And the Setback settings have been set to the following:

  • Setback Level: 0%
  • Setback Timeout: 30 minutes
Automatic Setback Example

If all fixtures remained in their inactive state for 30 minutes, the Group moves to their Setback level of 0%. When occupants return to the area beneath those fixtures, they transition from their Setback level to their Task Tune settings.

Scheduled Setback

Scheduled Setback is a simple day and time-based scheduling feature. Users can specify a Setback Level, days of the week Setback is active, and a start/end time.

At the scheduled start time, all fixtures in the Setback Group move from their Task Tune settings to the Setback Level until the scheduled end time. At which point, the fixtures return to their Task Tune settings.

Scheduled Setback Example Use Cases


  • Need: required 100% ALL ON during business hours; energy savings after hours
  • Solution: Scheduled Setback during business hours, return to aggressive task tuning during off-hours 

In this example, a Setback is configured with a Setback level of 100% from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM

  • Enable: Active
  • Setback Level: 100%
  • Days: Select the appropriate days
  • Start Time: 7:00 AM
  • End Time: 11:00 PM
Scheduled Setback - Retail Use Case


  • Need: Custom task tuning across office space; multi-tenant, custom task lighting for occupants 
  • Solution: Task tuning during business hours, Scheduled Setback late evening to early morning

In this example, a Setback is configured with a Setback Level of 0% for the start time of 6:00 PM and end time of 6:00 AM:

  • Enable: Active
  • Setback Level: 0%
  • Days: Select the appropriate days (In most cases this is Monday (Mo) through Friday (Fr))
  • Start Time: 6:00 PM
  • End Time: 6:00 AM
Office User Case - Scheduled Setback

Astronomical Setback

Astronomical Setback (Sunrise/Sunset) is another day and time-based scheduling feature to create responsive lighting settings based on sunrise and sunset. 

Astronomical Setback allows a user to specify a Setback Level, days of the week Astronomical Setback will be active, and a Start and End Offset.

The sunrise and sunset events are calculated based on the Site's physical location configured during initial provisioning and automatically adjust according to the time of year.

Depending on the configuration, all fixtures in the Setback Group move from their Task Tune settings to the Setback Level based on a sunrise or sunset event and an offset. At which point, the fixtures return to their Task Tune settings.

Astronomical Setback Example

In this example, a Setback is configured with a Setback Level of 100%, activating one hour before sunset, and reverting to an Active level of 0% one hour after sunrise. Task Tune settings are set to Active Level 0% with no Occupancy control.

Astro Setback is great for scheduling Exterior Lighting controls
  • Astronomical Setback set to Enabled
  • Setback Level: 100%
  • Days: Select the appropriate days of the week
  • Start At: Sunset
  • Start Offset: -1h 0m
  • End at: Sunrise
  • End Offset: +1h 0m
Astro Setback Example

Setback Duration

Setback Duration is an additional day and time-based scheduling feature to accommodate schedules that span overnight or multiple days.

Setback Duration allows a user to specify a Setback Level, the days of the week a setback will be active, Start Time, and duration in Hours and Minutes.

Depending on the configuration, all fixtures in the Setback Group move from their Task Tune settings to the Setback Level on a specific day and time. The Setback Level will persist until the full duration has elapsed. At which point, the fixtures return to their Task Tune settings.

There may be several ways to accommodate the same schedule. We recommend using the help text to verify the setback configuration achieves the desired schedule.
Setback Duration Example

Example 1

In example one, a Setback is configured with a Setback Level of 0%, activating on Friday's at 7:00 PM, and reverting to that Group's Task Tune Settings after the duration elapsed on Monday mornings at 6:30 AM.

Setback Duration Example 1

Example 2

In example two, a Setback is configured with a Setback Level of 85%, activating on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5:00 AM and lasting for 24 hours. After the 24 hours have elapsed, the setback is disabled, and fixtures revert to their Task Tune Settings.

Setback Duration Example 2

Please visit How To - Configure Setback in SiteWorx Tune for a quick review of the following material!
As an additional safety feature, fixtures maintain their occupancy controls if enabled. When a light fixture in Setback senses occupancy, that light fixture moves from the Setback Level to the set Active Level of 100%, with an occupancy delay of 5 minutes. Once the area is unoccupied, the fixture returns to the Setback Level.

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