How To - Create an Analyze Tag Report

Updated by Steve Corbesero

Use Tags to create custom energy and occupancy reports. Tags allow users to quickly create granular reports on specific areas of a facility to hone in on trends. You can find the Tag Manager under the Admin Console. 

Creating a New Tag

  1. Navigate to the Admin Console
  2. Click Tags
  3. Click the New Tag button
  4. Create a unique and descriptive name for your Tag
  5. Specify the SiteWorx Site
  6. Enter the Baseline Lighting Power (W) for use with the Savings suite
    Tag Fields
  7. Click and drag across the target fixtures
Tagging Fixtures
  1. Click Save

You can choose as many or as few nodes across as many networks and areas. After saving a new tag, it will automatically populate a mini chart on the Tune Dashboard and a selectable Tag in SiteWorx Analyze for energy and occupancy reporting.

Update an Existing Tag

  1. Navigate to the Admin Console
  2. Click Tags
  3. Select an existing Tag
  4. Make the desired changes
  5. Click Save

Delete an Existing Tag

  1. Navigate to the Admin Console
  2. Click Tags
  3. Select an existing Tag
  4. Click Delete in the upper right hand corner
  5. Confirm by clicking Delete Tag

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