How To - Reset Your Password

Updated by Steve Corbesero

  1. Navigate to your Organization's custom URL provided by the Admin.
SiteWorx Login Page
  1. Click the Log in with SiteWorx button.
  2. On the log in page, click the Forgot your password? button.
  1. On the Request Password Reset screen, enter Organization Name and the email address associated with the SiteWorx account.
Your Organization is the URL subdomain and is case sensitive. For example:
- If your URL is, then your Organization is example
- If your URL is, then your Organization is tyrellcorporation
  1. Once you have completed the form, click the Reset button.
  2. You will receive an email from Inside of that email, click the Reset your Password button.
For security purposes, the password reset token lasts 30 minutes. If the password reset link is clicked after the token expires, the user will receive an error. If this occurs, please contact SiteWorx Support.
  1. On the Reset Password screen, type in the desired password and click the Update Password button.
  2. Navigate to your Organization's custom URL, and log in using the updated password.

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