How To - Configure Site & Tag Savings

Updated by Steve Corbesero

Before users can take advantage of the SiteWorx Savings Dashboard, an Admin must add site-level variable baseline lighting power (pre-retrofit lighting) and local energy costs.

To enable Site Savings:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Console
  2. Click Sites
  3. Click the target Site from the list (if applicable)
  4. Enter all fields under Total Savings
    1. Energy Cost (currency/kWh) - energy rate or average rate if variable
    2. Currency Locale - drop-down of all supported currencies
Site Details & Total Savings
  1. Enter Variable Baseline Lighting Power (W)
    1. Click New Baseline Entry
    2. Enter the Baseline Lighting Power (W)
    3. Enter the Start Date
Variable Site Baseline Power (W)
If a Site includes many lighting retrofit projects deployed over time, use the Variable Site Baseline feature to accommodate total baseline wattages over time.
  1. Click Save Changes
If you don't find the appropriate currency, please contact

To enable Tag Savings:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Console
  2. Click Tags
  3. Click the target Site from the list (if applicable)
  4. Select the appropriate Tag
  5. Enter the Baseline Lighting Power (W) - total wattage from the previously installed lighting system
Tag Savings
  1. Click Save

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